Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kuliner Indonesia

Ulva chips THAT good and crispy WITH FRESH and refreshing pudding Indonesia is a country rich in natural results and some have said that if the wood stuck into the earth Indonesia will grow into plants, it is because the fertile soil of Indonesia. In addition to soil fertility in Indonesia resulted in many species of plants and animals that exist in Indonesia. Many entrepreneurs take advantage of these crops are used as raw material in the manufacture of their flagship product.
For example potato chips business, a lot of people use potatoes as their efforts ntuk material is processed into a variety of dishes such as potato Kerik only a very mild indonesia.cemilan community to enjoy doing this very enthused starting from the bottom until the middle upwards, in addition to an affordable price chips -chips exist in Indonesia generally do not use preservatives or chemicals, most chips are made from natural materials that contain many nutrients contained in the base ingredients.
Not only potato chips that only as many kinds of farm businesses to develop more such chips, jackfruit chips of fruit, chips favorite time of the month of ramadan namely banana chips, cassava chips and many more may not be counted on the fingers.
The more the number of chips assorted entrepreneurs utilize this as a business opportunity mereka.apalagi snacks like this are very desirable. Moreover, a tradition in Indonesia is very diverse as tradition when the month Ramadan and the feast of Idul Fitri and Idul adha feast day, people are always present snacks at that time to guests who visit home because it is a tradition during the feast of Islam.
In the month of Ramadan is very targeted community-cemilanitu snacks as hidangan.oleh therefore businessmen chips utilize this as a job besar.dan also had in previous years the price of chips could rise due to oil price meals or food buyer is not too mengawatirkan naik.namn it, especially when the moon arrives ramadha snacks like a must.
This business opportunity is very large because the public would prefer INDONESIA ringan.pada snack or meal when social gathering, or wedding events so many who need them. About Ulva Lactuca 

Ulva Lactuca is still fresh from the sea This plant often found on the south coast of Java. The shape of the green sheet because uava including ganngang hijau.tumbuhan this Ulva sea life south coast of Java island, composed attached Ulva life - coral in the sea, Ulva live in ketinggihan 30-40 cm of sea level. Ulva It has nutritional value as follows:  minerals 2.59%  11.5% fiber  protein 4, 88% This kind of green algae Ulva ynag can live with the sun. DiYogyakarta, algae Ulva quite abundant on the coast and many dijumapai Kukup, Grono, Sundak, Krakal and Wediombo. As biology professor Ludmila GMU Untari Fitr, in addition to taste delicious, after conducting research and high nutritious foods for health, like preventing cancer and natural de-worming.
Ulva chips have been around since the penelitihan by GMU faculty BIOLOGY student named Shinta, she found Ulva shore silt, yogyakarta together tean-temannya.dalam penelitihann show her he found Ulva Ulva Lactuca he mentions that he can dikonsumsi.kemudihan together with fellow students he worked with local residents to take advantage of it into a keripik.yang Ulva dnamakan sebaga "Ulva chips."
Use of Ulva ganggan certainly provide additional prosperity to the fishing communities living around the coast. Currently, for algae crude Ulva sold Rp 20.000,00 per kg, while in the form of chips sold Rp 60,000 / kg. For the small package size 40 grams, we sell Rp 3.000/kg. Ulva not only found in Indonesia and even the use of Ulva abroad very much like the country - developed countries like Japan, Philippines and China. Ulva Lactuca in Japan has become the basic ingredients in a rice wrapper, or if in Indonesia it is known by wrapping lemper.selain disanan also used as an essential ingredient if the pebuataan salad, Ulva serve as a very tasty vegetable as, pelenkap making salad. Ulva chips it was already there and already in dijual.Namun according to my penelitihan with friends - friends who plan to develop business Ulva, we survey the field of silt to the beach to see where the sales and see immediate chips nya.kami Ulva was shocked to see the car making until the stage of their true pemgemasan.memang using Ulva but there is no innovation at all in the manufacture and Ulva these chips look very, very uncomfortable meadow and less interesting to look at, maybe the layman yam melihatnyan definitely interested in the sodium absorption ratio ankan chips tersebut.kripik Ulva gan den kulvatersebut made very simple, first of Ulva in off-dry in the sun but too much sunshine kemduihan given a seasoning of salt and other seasonings kemudihan directly on any variation of the same digoreng.tidak sekali.soal think they do not seem too concerned until the chips are not created innovations that Ulva better. With the penelitihan that we certainly know where keunggulna and weaknesses of the chips that already know the results of field surveys ada.Setelah Ulva Lactuca is made into chips Ulva-rich savory flavors of lezat.ulva entunya which was as usual we made it into the Ulva Savory and delicious, spicy flavor with no spicy taste of powder / powder spicy, sweet flavor immediately, kemudihan bubukmanis sweetness of the chips scattered on Ulva ini.selain dibut into our chips into pudding Ulva mengebangkannya again a fresh and refreshing, Ulva is mixed into the pudding and also included fresh ingredients are also fresh fruit is also mixed into one bowl temudigan kemudihan put on ice were also not forgotten and the cast degan yamg syrup pudding is certainly add fresh. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY chips and pudding Ulva Ulva: Business opportunities chips and pudding Ulva Ulva this very much, well known to the public new Ulva temtunyan masyarakate penasarana tentan what it is and what it Ulva chips pudding ulva.dikarenakan still not understood by many people shore mugkin alluvium only among people who know what's new chips ulva.selain people - people who do not know about chips and pudding Ulva Ulva was dijadika appeal as Ulva these advantages. These opportunities are very BESA let alone new-style keripi Ulva UGM students, with the many references we can develop the business Ulva is not only used as chips saja.kita can develop much better again, as I mentioned earlier which makes crisps Ulva with variant tastes vary, also not only made into chips it can also be used as Puning like we were created by my colleagues. Speaking of the necessary material is not limited to lot on the south coast of Ulva yogyakarta.dan I think too many on the beach - the beach in Indonesia. Ulva is also important this can also be useful for various diseases as well as I would call it was on top of that is as anti-cancer drugs and other sebagainya.dengan the hallmarks of this lva can diojadikan as promotional land later. The attraction or fondness Indonesian society is very high will cemilan.cemilan like. The main thing in important events such as events holiday Idul Fitri Idul adha and that is should be serving food - snacks for guests.
Also at the event social gathering, family gathering events, circumcision, marriage, in ketering.dan Include along with many more opportunities membutuhkannya.selain his own country great opportunities abroad as well as Australia, japan, germany, china, united and other countries also want to consume snacks unique ini.karena abroad rarely have snacks like this nah, this is his moment to export to foreign countries. Constraints of this business until now no one knows how to empower Ulva membudi this so this business just depends on the nature, if nature support for Ulva it will easily pick it up and dimanfaatkan.cuaca affecting Ulva, Ulva can live only on sunlight and when. not cultivated it will be hard to pick. And if there is an order that many feared ULV ayang grow because there is no reason the weather. How to overcome obstacles Ulva was not in favor empower but to overcome this problem, if difficult to get it then we membuatagen perl pengepur to find Ulva Ulva before his time could not develop because nature does not support or have a problem in the production of Ulva by alam.Kita have to find someone who can at encouraged to work together to find Ulva accordance with our request so that it can memaneg if Ulva cuaca.dengan not available because this way we can overcome if there is a problem with the production of Ulva sendiri.saya also studying how to get help mengembangbiakan Ulva Ulva business is also helping others. Business marketing chips and pudding Ulva Ulva Selaki many ways to market such can be a way to open their own booth as well as open toko.ini I give a very good way of marketing to business this Ulva. There are so many ways - ways that can be done for marketing this product also tida only Ulva Ulva this product with other products can also be menbgunakan way ini.yaitu marketing as follows:

Ulva marketing mode: 1) How to open a booth in the store 2) left at the store - food stores such as restaurants, canteens, and other sebaginya. 3) Cooperate with others to open their own branches in strategic places. 4) Along with catering. 5) At marketed in the market - a traditional market and supermarket 6) export to foreign countries Promotion: use banner ads, follow the seminar companies - companies. Pembelihan diinternet.melayani advertise on - line and off-line in order to simplify the buying process. For marketing memjalankan we need to know about marketing itself as: 1) Market segmentation konsumenYaitu market division into geographic units that vary, for example regions, countries, states, provinces, cities, islands, such as motor nissan MICRA product geographical market segmentation. 2) must know the number of businesses that are in one place 3) find out who the main target of our product consumption 4) create a plot plan of the target control.
References from scholarly works: TOP BRAND MARKETING STRATEGY book author M. SUYANTO INDONESIA STRATEGIC Books MANAGEMAENT Global Most Admired Companies author M. SUYANTO Revolution Books STRATEGIC BUSINESS PROCESS CHANGE FOR COMPANIES author M. SUYANTO detonate. Based on the ideas and the SURVEY about the existence of Ulva at coastal alluvium. 


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